



Carmen Gonzalez Castro



Carmen Gonzalez Castro

1982, Spain. Lives and works in Madrid.
Painter. Carmen is a visual artist and a PhD in Fine Arts. She was awarded two grants to undertake doctoral research at the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture of Kingston University, in London, and to finish it at the School of Visual Arts in New York. She worked as a lecturer at the Painting Department from the University of Granada from 2007 and 2011. Since then, she has been researching and writing on contemporary art and its practice. Her artworks have been exhibited in venues in the UK and Spain, and shortlisted in international prizes. Also, she has had financial support from art practice grants and as an artist in residence. In 2015, she was an artist in residence at la Térmica, Málaga, and was invited afterwards by the Russian Museum in the same city to give a workshop on the creative process called 'Me, creator'. In the last two years, she has exhibited several solo shows in Granada and Madrid and her last solo show has been scheduled at the America Institute, in Granada in 2017.


Carmen Gonzalez Castro's
Hermafrodita dormido
200 $ - 150 €


Carmen Gonzalez Castro
1982, España. Vive y trabaja en Madrid.
Pintora. Carmen es una artista visual y doctora en Bellas Artes. Ha recibido becas para desarrollar su tesis doctoral en la Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture de la Universidad de Kingston, en Londres, y la School of Visual Arts de Nueva York, las dos del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Entre 2007 y 2011 ejerce como docente e investigadora en el Departamento de Pintura de la Universidad de Granada. Desde entonces, ha estudiado y publicado sobre fenómenos artísticos contemporáneos. Ha participado en certámenes y exposiciones colectivas desde el año 2005 en Granada, Málaga, Madrid, Barcelona y Londres. En 2015 disfruta de una de las residencias y becas de creación que concede La Térmica, en Málaga. Al año siguiente, es invitada por el Museo Ruso de Málaga para impartir el taller "Yo creador", sobre el proceso creativo. En los dos últimos años ha expuesto individualmente en Ramsés Life and Art y LA Projects, en Madrid, y en las galerías Punto Rojo y Ruiz Linares, en Granada, siendo su última individual en el Instituto de América de Santa Fe, en Granada, en 2017.